

Hello, my name is Saskia.

I am a mum of two who loves cooking and eating.

All my working life has been spent in the fashion and food industries. Unfortunately, as the years went by, I couldn't fit my clothes and food seemed to be the culprit. I found myself in a funk.

In 2016, two things changed my life…

First, I started a 'Low Carb' way of eating and learned the secret of eating yourself slim. My body has returned to my 20-year-old weight without a day of hunger – hooray!

Second, a few months into my new way of eating, my husband and daughter were diagnosed with Coeliacs. What we ate was changed forever.

Luckily, from the knowledge I learned from adopting a low carb way of eating, I knew that buying gluten-free supermarket products was not going to be a healthy choice for my family.

With further research, I was amazed at how little advice there was out there for people like me on how to feed their families naturally gluten-free foods. Most of the advice was to buy gluten-free substitutes, and the coeliac organisations seemed to me, a database of coeliac customers for big food companies to target their advertising. There were no warnings that these products are often much higher in starch and therefore glycemic load.

I realise this is a double edge sword because it is very convenient that there are so many gluten-free products nowadays, but when you think about it, this is just ‘gluten-free’ processed food. The health consequences are the same. Wholefoods are always best, and that goes for gluten-free foods too.

When I look for a recipe to cook, I look for real ingredients that are low carb, gluten-free, refined sugar-free, and recipes that my kids might actually like. This blog is the journey of me testing recipes on my family and exploring the low carb way of eating. The aim is to create a place where this type of recipe can be easily found.

My kids are not low carb just lower carb, they still eat potatoes and rice and occasionally gluten-free pasta. They eat way more vegetables than when we started and way less sugar and processed foods. We are not perfect though!

I love cooking, but I also like easy, fresh and fast cooking—so don't get put off thinking the recipes will be hard. On Weeknights, most of the recipes I cook take fifteen minutes to prepare.

I hope when you look around this blog, you will realise that low carb is simply real food, nothing scary or weird as the media likes to portray it.

Happy cooking!

Saskia x