

Welcome to my blog. I document the low carb food I make for my family. I hope it helps you along your journey by saving you time. I have tried and tested so many versions of each recipe and will publish the easiest tastiest, and most kids approved version here.

Wilted Greens

Such a delicious way to get a large quantity of greens in your diet.

Try to eat this quantity of leaves in a salad and you would average about 50g per person. Cooking like this you are getting 200g per person. You can use olive oil, coconut oil, or butter, whichever is your preference.


400g of green leaves washed and chopped in big chunks

50g butter (coconut oil or olive oil)

2 cloves of garlic, crushed

1/2 teaspoon of chili flakes

1 lemon zest & juice

Salt & Pepper


Melt butter in a large frypan with deep sides. 

Add the washed and chopped leaves.

Add the chili, garlic, and lemon zest. 

Toss so leaves are all coated in butter and wilting, only takes 1-2 minutes and I prefer if they are only just wilted. Keeps more nutrients and their beautiful green colour.

Squeeze on lemon juice, sprinkle with salt & pepper and serve. 

SERVES 2/ CALORIES 274 / PROTEIN 7.2g / CARBS 12.1g / FAT 21.8g

Roast Cauliflower & Garlic Soup

Roast Cauliflower & Garlic Soup

